Subsurface Insights Portal Login
Subsurface Insights provides access to its cloud based software and data through a portal with a central sign on, as well as though pages which provide project and capability specific logins. Note that data and software are also accessible programmatically through an API.
In order to use the portal or the API users need to first obtain credentials, which can be done by registering through this link. Registration is free. All registered users have access to the interactive reactive transport modeling course. Once users are registered additional access is granted to projects and capabilities by Subsurface Insights staff.
Getting access to projects and capabilities
Most of the capabilities provided by Subsurface Insights use field data from user sites. While we can provide demonstrations (in person or through zoom) of some of these capabilities for sites where site owners have given us permission, we can not provide external users with online access.
However, interested users can get access to a demonstration site which showcases the turnkey modeling. Users who are interested in getting access to this site should first register for a general account, and subsequent to this contact Subsurface Insights to request access to the turnkey modeling capability.