Electrical Resistivity Monitoring Primer
Additional Resources
There are numerous resources on the web providing information on electrical resistivity.
Some links are provided below to different resources related to electrical resistivity. The links will redirect you outside the Subsurface Insights website. Subsurface Insights has no control over these external pages. If you have suggestions on adding to these resources please contact us.
Instrument vendors
Youtube videos
Hydrogeology 101: Introduction to Resistivity surveys
Resistivity: General introduction with some example applications
Informative websites
Geotomosoft website (website from Dr Loke) with large amounts of papers and notes
University of British Columbia website discussing geophysical inversion basics
Resistivity and Induced Polarization (2020) – an in depth text book covering theory and methods
The Self Potential Method: Theory and applications in environmental geosciences
Near-Surface Geophysics: a general geophysical textbook covering multiple methods
An introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics: Undergraduate level textbook
Samizdat press at the Colorado School of Mines has numerous free textbooks on geophysics
Applications of electrical resistivity monitoring
Timelapse electrical resistivity has been used for numerous applications and continues to gain in popularity. This is shown by the graph below which shows the steadily increasing number of publications per year. As can be seen from Google Scholar this includes thousands of papers on electrical resistivity monitoring since 2021. The links below are provided as suggested starting points for reading how electrical resistivity monitoring has been used for different applications. However, numerous other papers for all applications of electrical resistivity monitoring can readily be found. If you have suggestions for adding to this list please contact Subsurface Insights.

Groundwater Management